Our 2024 events

January 28, 2024: Meeting of the newly elected members of Bois d'Arcy's Conseil Municipal des Jeunes (CMJ) during their integration we. The CMJ proposed to support the Solann Dream Team association for the duration of its 2-year term of office, through communication and actions to collect donations for the association. A presentation of the association and its actions was given to the 11 young members of the CMJ during a morning session.

August 10, 2024: Olympic Games 2024
A mixed team of members of the "Dune d'espoir", "ACO2 gène" and Solann Dream Team" associations had the honor and pleasure of running with Juliette on the incredible 10 km pour tous course in Paris. The large number of spectators all along the course made for a great atmosphere, despite the late hour. This unique experience remains an emotional highlight for all involved.

September 29, 2024: Paris-Versailles
Another great classic, which this year brought together two teams of runners around Tristan and Solann for the 16 km of this beautiful race. A great atmosphere as every year, with a big "Welcome" to the newcomers who tried out the team race for and with youngsters in baby carriages.

March 29, 2024: Bois d'Arcy elementary school pupils learn about handisports
The prospect of the Olympic and Paralympic Games provided an opportunity to raise awareness among young people of sporting disciplines for people with disabilities. Solann accompanied the schoolchildren, who were introduced to a range of disciplines in Bois d'Arcy's gymnasiums by the town hall's activity coordinators: fencing, cecifoot, games of skill, able-bodied/visually impaired duet races, obstacle courses, voice guidance, etc.

September 22, 2024: La TraverSeine
With over 1,000 participants and 650 boats, a crew of 8 SDT navigators paddled for several hours on a canoe around the Petit Gabriel to sail up the Seine from the Pont de Sèvre to the Ile de la Cité and back (35 km).

October 6, 2024: Foulées de Suresnes
The Suresnes SPAM (Suresnes Passion Athlé Marathon) athletics club supported the association by organizing a first participation in the Foulées de Suresnes.